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  We will never forget \"you\".
  글쓴이 : E-TON     날짜 : 04-02-12 00:00     조회 : 2941    
I am a Japanese. I often take Yamanote-line.
When the train make a brief stop at Shin-Okubo station,
I always remember about you.

And, my heart aches when I see the bridge (accident place)
and your monument-panel at the station.

This is first time for me to visit this web-site.
I have no Korean Language,
but I recognize many many friends still love you.

This time, I am very glad to get a chance
that I can tell you my feeling.

Your brave action is greatly appreciated forever.
You remain us the warmest heart.

Time passed away, but we will never forget you.
Thank you from my deepest heart.